Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Twinkled eyes saw a star,
Not much farther than my heart,
Soul sang a sweet song
On which rhythmic life is toned,
Beauty praised its lover’s love
By embracing herself for his’ pleasure,
I loved and loved her by letting
Myself melt in her,
And mated life and end
To teach beyond No-self..!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Sun-Shine

Ohh my half searched part
Shining shyly the gold apart
From me and again made me fall
For the love that seems millions of generation far.

My emptied glare at first rose to see
The eternal kingdom behind the clouded-sea,
The magic of moment then captured something in me,
And I swam like a freed bird’s unwind wings.

My soul then washed in happiest tears
Of Godly grace silently cleared
All my miseries’ blessings beard
Life, ohh how long have I been feared.

At your kingdom I bowed
With raised eyes but surrendered soul,
Years passed, millenniums gone
But you were residing at a distance just a vision long.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


My dreams when glow

The world shines.

And the world when blow

My soul cries.

What purpose for me

This life can give?

When it holds no worth,

In the eyes of being..!

Have I ever been selfish?

Yes, because I live,

Let me die

And the real life begins.

The sun’s glory glow

In our minds,

Then why hidden

And farcified?

I want to see the sunlight

Spread its magic tenacious.

And every heart

Reflect its flow luminous.

But backed by incomplete-ness

Can humanity ever grow?

I wish for every soul to refresh

And thus let my poems always flow.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


When I put my eyes on you
The whole world shrinks in a blink.
When I gave my heart to you
A new world is born in every beat.
Pulse weakened, neurons shunned,
And our souls begin to search the One.
With closed eyes in meditative mode,
Amalgamated and searched every soul,
But no one knows the way to home.
I opened my eyes and saw you again,
The reflection of self once again,
Opening up to closed exits,
The Home is where the search begins..