In time and space they amalgamate,
Make our senses believe in illusions,
Drives us to a self-not-know fusion,
No asleep or awake senses can ever decide,
Your mind, your time, your place or Life,
Close your eyes and be in between,
Half-awake and half in dream,
Go beyond sun-rise and sun-set,
Give your moon a good night rest,
Then touch that moment of bliss,
Body floats like a feather and spreads
Like universe, every atom then separates
To form a form-less form,
Where the invisible gives birth to visible,
Visible blinds the visibility for invisible
And binds us in artificial eternity
Of Day-night, sleep-awake, life-death duality.
Freedom is all we seek, we create
In every art what we seek,
Going beyond will then separate
Us, to find one self, to loose what senses sees,
Beyond infinity,
To undefined quest.
Dolly Jamwal- Poetry and all other Articles and Essays. by Dolly Jamwal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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