Sunday, October 14, 2012

Finding Self.

Even while walking on the most crowded street
My heart beats like a blank sheet.
Each body while crossing me
Imprints their words unseen
I went back where the thought of me begin,
Where I, a thought brought
The cause of my life to cross
And now the blinded me search again my beginning.

My birth, that takes place within each pure breath,
And die with each heart-beat that beats for self,
I reside deep down in selfless you,
And flourish if watered life by you,
Blossom through your deeds
And suck dry on your greed.

I am the self you all long for,
I am the reason for your soar,
I am the reason that your mind has a place of distress,
And I am the eternal satisfaction, if quest.

Going Beyond.

What body and mind have molded to see?
A past shadow of me now wandering free,
Like I have become a living purpose of else,
And nowhere have I existed within the boundaries of self.

A thoughtless mind thinks with a purpose
Not of me but at the wills of others,
Vision that sees through every eye,
Light that illuminates inside all insights.

Like free-will of a stone I penetrate,
And the sun’s calmness in its jubilant phase,
I journeyed as atom and commemorates
The Natural Glory of an eternal second’s fate.

A Journey Within.

Those glaciers smothering my thinking eyes
Bodied by corpse’s cold,
When I tried to dive beyond
The ocean, the ocean shrinks back to a drop,
Dropped and dried from my eyes,
It started, wandered, wondered wise,
Soaked silently, ocean again,
To see the World with a new domain.
In this new domain even the corpses die,
The glaciers melt with warmth of sight.
The inflected vision turns the ocean
From deep blue to whites of heaven.
The brightness inside the closed eyes
Illuminated what’s hidden deep down inside.
Water or ice, either impaired or mortified,
To unearth the fact would make us alive.

Chickenpox... defined beauty to me.

My Lovely Face once used to start my days,
With a sense of proud of possessing mirror’s best friend,
Now mock back and say ‘no one’s your friend in this artificiality’,
The teaser self cunningly gestured, ‘Yes, that’s true, now you see?
The things you think are yours are like water that slips away and wind that’s free,
How could you be mirrored when shouldered with a responsibility
To melt the multiple-mirrors of marred Man’s disappearing trend?”
Oh I see..!! oh I see..!! Kindly accept my apologies…


Once I saw in mirror 
To search myself in there. 
I searched and searched everywhere, 
But couldn’t find even a tiny drop clear. 

Sad and hopeless 
I pressed my hands in distress 
The mirror got stressed 
And broke it-self in hundreds of quests. 

Some of them tore my hands, 
Some engrossed my palm with new quests. 
My flesh and blood as appeared to me 
Only then I could see the mirrored me. 

Only wounds can be seen, no pain can be, 
Only stains are visible, no color can be. 
I closed my eyes and a miracle I saw, 
I, standing in front of the mirror waiting to be.