Friday, December 28, 2007

Gujrat polls

Finally, the infamous image of Mr. Narendra Modi unintentionally made by opposition party's leaders resulted in BJP or I would rather say Mr. Modi's success. Congress even after being in opposition party seems to be campaigning for Mr. Modi. Moreover targeting only Mr. Modi as an individual and not BJP as a party made him 'hero' fighting alone 'for good' against 'all evil' (opposition) trying to suppress 'the good' for spreading 'evil' (terrorism).
Question arises why Ms. Sonia Gandhi's words "merchant of death"proved less effective than Mr. Modi's words "supporter of terrorism"?Confident and puissant speeches have a strong effect on 'aam admi's'mind. A good orator is one who can win his follower's heart and mind by his effective speeches and confident attitude, doesn't matter how many criminal cases he's involved in.
So, I would like to congratulate Mr. Modi for establishing an example of 'actual democracy', Gujratis for electing an impartial leader and congress too for giving Mr. Modi an infamous campaigning which actually end up making him more famous.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

DEATH. An Escape..!!

Closed doors
And open vision,
Unwanted but desirous whore,
Life, is like a prison.

Death, if it's an escape,
Let me live the death,
Let me escape
Let me escape!

There is nothing
But heaven after life.
Living is hell,
Like black and white.

So white Death is
Peaceful, calm and 'full of life'.
Unlike life,
Black, as devil is
'full of death' and vice.

Why then I am living?
Why I am dieing?
I want to live the Death,
I want to live,
I want to Die.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


I have seen,
Her emotionless, quite but still Beautiful EYES,
Craving for mercy,
Unknown of vision,
But still searching for life,
Her Directionless EYES.

I have felt,
Her innocence but its dead,
Heart so hard
Of undeserved punishments
For being desireless,
Silence and suppressed.

I have listened,
Her painless but deeply effected cry,
Like life-giving but also deadly cloudy sky,
Throat completely dried,
Who will listen to you?
Oh my soul-less Soul’s Voice.

I have her smile,
Four years old but puissant,
Her eyes crimson,
Her heart broaden,
When I offer her a bar of chocolate.
I made her satisfy?
I don’t know!

But I am complete,
Yes I am…
When she expressed
Quietly,Her THNX.

Femmes Discovered

I am thinking of past and present of KINDS,
Mind it, as I am a “Female Mind”,
Can tell you better, what’s there on her Side,
Its true, bear it, if thine are that much Fine…

SHE is not mysterious, but made to be,
When behind the curtains, they were not allowed to peep,
Made them die inside that darkness with their intellectual beauty,
Praised, complemented and gazed like diamonds…

Their beauty is not a disguise,
But your eyes gave her that identity to feel pride,
Don’t blame us, its YOU who perceived,
First suppress and then judge her MIND…

We never try to “impress”,
It’s you, who always TRY,
When it comes to commitment, your answer is always
A big “WHY??”…

When it comes to beauty,
Cosmetics are as equal as men’s Style,
To sell their products they made our society molded and modified,
Made women conscious of their beauty and men of their style…

So, listen with extreme consciousness
And then decide,
It’s not this brain that is working
But rather those environmental sides…

We both have same MIND,
But developed partial wise,
Try to understand and change,
If you can fight…


Some completed and some are on fire.
But cannot make me satisfied
Without being what I desire…

I am not what I want to be,
Leading towards it but no one can feel.
Struggling, forcing, balancing, am I?
Getting into it, deep and undefined.

Ignorance of others,
Conscious of mine,
Makes me think again,
Who am I?

I lost here,
When I doubted myself,
How can I mold the world?
If ‘I’ myself is not ‘My’self.

Whom to regret?
This is system,
Between one and others Mind.

I am Confused,
How to create the World without being Misused?
Tricked and trapped tracks,
Trying to open, as I am wrapped.

BUT, wait a minute!
Where I am going?
Is this what I wanted?
Is this what I Desired?

Am I modifying the world?
I ‘My’self is being molded?
Let me think it again,

My Desires…

Monday, June 18, 2007


When I see, I see like an ordinary being,
When I try to look beyond, my senses begin to feel.

When I touch, I can recognise,
When I feel the touch, Ahh How Cold It Is..!!

Sight darken, senses dead,
When will we feel the deep innocence behind that?

When I close my eyes, its darkness ahead,
But the light within it, I dont want to forget.

Life want me to live, I want them to live,
Take Me, Use Me, Exploit Me, I am ready,
At least understand Me...

They are not cursed, they are created,
By you Ohh..!! blind and without senses.

When I will die, my last wish will be your side,
If anyone of you can understand my Cry,

At least then I can console my Life,
That I have someone to continue my Fight...


Deep in my heart, it burst,
Speaks to me in thousand words,

Love for religion and hate for Men,
But define me first, the LOVE, Oh MAN..!!

What is religion? Define it, know it, learn it,
Understand its Universality,


Chirst, Mohammad, Shiva, Gurunanaka,
They were men but teachers too,

Don't make them Gods but understand their views,
Dont fight for them, but live for whose servants they were,

Yes, they were servants, definitely they were,
We call them Humans in ordinary terms,

But humans devided them, murdered them all,
Proved it right," the fittest's survival".

Fittest, powerful, glorious, cruel,
Human race has survived, leaving gods marely for their fair.

Do understand, not "for God's sake" but for your own,
If you will fail, you will die,

And the fittest will again survive,
that will be nothng but your LOST MIND..


Nothing, Nothing, Nothing we are,

Benevolence has Rotten,
Savage, Vice and Curruption,
Progression of wild Production,
Makes our heart Nothing but an Illusion,
Identity seems to be Lost,
Knowledge, of course the Worst,

Wild seems to be Kind,
Kind seems to be Blind,
Blind is what our Mind,
Mind is not now Thine..

Warn your CONSCIOUS,
Harm no more,
Let it come out,