Friday, December 28, 2007

Gujrat polls

Finally, the infamous image of Mr. Narendra Modi unintentionally made by opposition party's leaders resulted in BJP or I would rather say Mr. Modi's success. Congress even after being in opposition party seems to be campaigning for Mr. Modi. Moreover targeting only Mr. Modi as an individual and not BJP as a party made him 'hero' fighting alone 'for good' against 'all evil' (opposition) trying to suppress 'the good' for spreading 'evil' (terrorism).
Question arises why Ms. Sonia Gandhi's words "merchant of death"proved less effective than Mr. Modi's words "supporter of terrorism"?Confident and puissant speeches have a strong effect on 'aam admi's'mind. A good orator is one who can win his follower's heart and mind by his effective speeches and confident attitude, doesn't matter how many criminal cases he's involved in.
So, I would like to congratulate Mr. Modi for establishing an example of 'actual democracy', Gujratis for electing an impartial leader and congress too for giving Mr. Modi an infamous campaigning which actually end up making him more famous.


feroz rather said...

Like Modi there are some inherent flaws in the function and actuality of democracy...making a government through polls could be dangerous if the people are not politically cultured.but the political education of people, is controlled again by people like how to end up this double mess.India is a failed democracy...

IIBIR said...

first of all im very much thankfull to you for devoting your time to read and your efforts in writing your comments.
I completely disaggree with your statement that "india is a failed democracy". We should not forget that in our country people like you and me can stand in elections and represent people for a good cause. Yes its a shame that some people in authority are playing with citizen's emotions and rights but then why not people like you and me are speaking and fighting againt it?
Well in case of India,currently, one side is strong. We need to strong the other side as well.Not to fight but to make everybody equal. Thats the only solution I can give.


Blabber Dog said...

I am not a political commentator but whatever i feel is truth in the womb must come out,either it look derogatory or favoritism.
Modi's win might have broken millions of heart (especially Muslims) around the country as he has been presented as death carrier and not to forget Tehlka's courageous efforts to showcase him as the culprit,No one will understand in politics things like this boomerang.
When tehelka episode happened my intuition about Gujrat's elections were as the results.
We shouldn't take away the man's effort and his never to say die attitude and moreover the mind he inherits has made him the third time Chief Minister.
If he won there is no fault of democracy or his adherence with Hindutava ideology,its more a defeat to the civilized Men and Women Who talk over the coffee table and just leave the mug half empty.
Hats off to Moditava and a kick on so called Civilized,modern thinkers and the Flag bearer of Secularism.

SK said...

Well I was scrapping ma frnd nitin n den I just clickd ur profile nd visited dis blog.
its really nice 2 c dat gals also started takin interst in the politics.
Farooz ..u cant declare india a failed democracy....just givin gujrat election xample.Even i consider the assebbly election result in gujrat as d victory of true democracy.At least ppl not supportin psedo-politics.

congress failed in aking the right stretegies and implementing dem.

Vikas Gupta said...

Whatever, I hate [read loathe] Mr. Modi - the killer!