Sunday, July 29, 2007


I have seen,
Her emotionless, quite but still Beautiful EYES,
Craving for mercy,
Unknown of vision,
But still searching for life,
Her Directionless EYES.

I have felt,
Her innocence but its dead,
Heart so hard
Of undeserved punishments
For being desireless,
Silence and suppressed.

I have listened,
Her painless but deeply effected cry,
Like life-giving but also deadly cloudy sky,
Throat completely dried,
Who will listen to you?
Oh my soul-less Soul’s Voice.

I have her smile,
Four years old but puissant,
Her eyes crimson,
Her heart broaden,
When I offer her a bar of chocolate.
I made her satisfy?
I don’t know!

But I am complete,
Yes I am…
When she expressed
Quietly,Her THNX.


Remmish Gupta said...

WOW! tht's all wht I could say...

feroz rather said...

ya...a real poetic emotional brushstroke...your poetry is as sweet as you....feroz