Thursday, December 29, 2011

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Monday, November 21, 2011


Day and night where play luminous games
In time and space they amalgamate,
Make our senses believe in illusions,
Drives us to a self-not-know fusion,
No asleep or awake senses can ever decide,
Your mind, your time, your place or Life,
Close your eyes and be in between,
Half-awake and half in dream,
Go beyond sun-rise and sun-set,
Give your moon a good night rest,
Then touch that moment of bliss,
Body floats like a feather and spreads
Like universe, every atom then separates
To form a form-less form,
Where the invisible gives birth to visible,
Visible blinds the visibility for invisible
And binds us in artificial eternity
Of Day-night, sleep-awake, life-death duality.
Freedom is all we seek, we create
In every art what we seek,
Going beyond will then separate
Us, to find one self, to loose what senses sees,
Beyond infinity,
To undefined quest.

Creative Commons License
Dolly Jamwal- Poetry and all other Articles and Essays. by Dolly Jamwal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Few more expressions

To observe the magical light of a glowing star
I raised my head to cross the borders of my sensual avatar,
A moment passed with a blink, and my lashes fall
What engulfed my soul is the glittering eyes of a child just a touch far,
Begging to survive, with a smile, connecting me to the star,
Millions of light years afar. What difference that child’s eyes has
From the divine star? God resides nearest to us, if only we could see at par.

What jewel can replace your enthralling eyes?
Which material pleasure can substitute your endless love divine?
I live every moment to sense your existence
Oh Lord..!! What life is life I could live otherwise?

Those silent eyes when speaks the Truth,
Taking my soul in the deepest routs
Of journey that never ends but infinitely floats,
And ‘I’ riding with Him in the ‘zero-ness’ of the Whole
To rest in peace as His eyes folds..

In remembrance of Mahatma Buddha.

Creative Commons License
Dolly Jamwal- Poetry and all other Articles and Essays. by Dolly Jamwal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Monday, October 3, 2011

Know thyself.

The deepest corners of me when
Blend itself with exteriority, has seen,
Felt and lived, the virtues of soul
Amalgamated in the wisdom of materiality.

The language of time has spoken to us,
The rhyme of poetry in space has awaken us,
The story each mind lives has proven to us,
That the discovery of You is in discovery of ‘Us’.

Quest for Self.

Take birth in me my un-known self,
Let’s live and be the epitome of that
That has left the light in shadows
Millions of year back,
That humanity’s crave and divine quest.

When you distributed me in every soul
And made me LOVE for each and the whole,
Oh My Lord..!! Then also give me the Sword
Of compassion and bliss, just a drop
From your abysmal Truth
And bless the suffering of Mankind,
Bless the bliss of a drop of your tear,
In return for the oceans of pains you bath in
Every cycle of creation, has beard.

Let me now be LOVE for one and for all,
Let me dive in the oceans of fire
To spread the devotional enthral,
To serve you and to serve all self’s desire,
To merge in you even before leaving the attire.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Gandhi.. Be My Part.

Your breath I feel as my Nation flourish,

Your small but fast steps inspired My people to aspire,

Your dream I live, your vision desired,

Your love never died but growing as fire,

Let your soul take birth in every form,

In me, in you and all of us,

Oh My Gandhi live again, in the hearts of people,

And sow again, that seed you felt once,

Your tree that nurtured us,

Its leaves that strengthen us,

Its flower now opening up to spread the fragrance,

To lead the Nation at the heights of creation.

Be within me and play your part,

Let me be used and consumed by your thought,

Let your tree of knowledge grow on my blood,

And spread again the Truth as a destructive flood,

That sways away the waste of ignorance and dark,

And help reach the Truth to every single heart.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

In You I am.

Now I am always with you..!
When I drive I sing for you,
When I work it’s dedicated to you,
I dance, I paint, and I talk with a few,
Only to feel the benevolence of You,
The grief of ignorance I drank to live
And left myself to know The Eternity,
The death I live in every heartbeat
Just for your glory and a belief,
That the day I will be completely melted
In the fire of your duty,
You show me you’re Love I craved
In material or at rest, to finally merge in your divine beauty.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Real freedom is not when you want to live for yourself, it is when you are free of the very desire to be free..!!
8th May, 2011.

Bearing the burden of burnt beliefs,
Humanity’s heart has hidden in heat.
Who will wish to work for that wonder ‘WE’?
Soul’s saviour should see the sea.
9th May, 2011.

Women's liberation: Unless and until women don't release themselves from the illusioned dependence, resides in their unconscious, on family, husband and children they would never taste the nectar of being free and liberated. Irony it is, that it's not just a fight with the external world but also it’s a fight they have to face within themselves..!
12th May, 2011.

Rain rain, go away,
Come again another day,
Please don’t tempt me to dance and play,
Not a child I am now, everyone says..!!
18th May, 2011.

When sky seems reaching the limits at sea,
Like my soul seems mating finally at me,
The soul has ‘I’ similar to sky’s blue,
When the colour fades, night blooms,
Decayed body forms the real You.
27th May, 2011.

I felt like dying in arms of my words
Written here, closed tightly and cared,
Mysteriously engrossed the solace within
To sleep in calm uttering Nothing..!!
3rd June, 2011.

Spirituality is important to know what you are. Rationality is equally important to know what you are not. So be rational and believe in what you are..!! :)
19th June, 2011.

The day of Man's birth is the day he/she first questions 'who I am?'.. And the day Man understands that he/she is not son/daughter of their parents or father/mother of their children is the day Man finds one’s actual purpose of existence. The purpose is of knowing that there is no existence. The Peace then lies either in everything or in nothing. That everything is also you and that nothing is also you.
8th July, 2011.

There is a sharp contrast between living a life and ‘actively’ living a life. Everyone is provided with senses to feel the external world, analyse and understand. But, to the gravest fact, very few people tend to live the real experience of the senses we possess.
9th July, 2011.

At painted or visible level it seems enjoyable to be dependent on others but at the more transparent or invisible level it is more pleasing to see others being dependent on us..!!
10th July, 2011.

Listening is the only key to know others and silence is the most powerful tool in conflicting arguments.. then why always their opposites are used in analysing and resolving??
22nd July, 2011.

Love is a tool so powerful that it can even scare people away..!! :)
23rd July, 2011.

Twinkled eyes saw a star,
Not much farther than my heart,
Soul sang a sweet song
On which rhythmic life is toned,
Beauty praised its lover’s love
By embracing herself for his’ pleasure,
I loved and loved her by letting
Myself melt in her,
And mated life and end
To teach beyond No-self..!!
27th July, 2011.

Like a tear we slide on fleshy cheek
Cling to bony chin and drop to be
Consumed forever by the surroundings..
Truly lived life is not this tear
But the reason behind its fall,
Soul resides in reason,
Tear on flesh is a material Prison..
1st Aug, 2011.

While driving, every time I see childrn or old men/women begging at red-lights, my mind's imaginatn reaches 2 Swiss Bank's a/c holders. How strongly thy both r connectd. The conditn of former is the result of latter's actions. We need 2 reverse latter’s action to fulfil former’s needs. To think tht they are two different issues to tackle would not going to solve the problem but rather going to increase this interconnected-ness. I want to be in a time where this connection does not exist.
26th Aug, 2011.

Till the day 'you' define Love you are a Pure Human, but the day Love defines you, a transformation takes place and, you become a Pure Soul.
1 Sep,2011.

What life our families and surroundings gives us when they tells us in which ‘section’ of society we belong? Not better than the life of a tearless eyes of a begging child. His eyes are ‘tearless’ not because he is ‘not’ sad but because he doesn’t know happiness, so doesn’t know sadness. This artificial sad-ness is similar to artificiality of diversification in society and is taught to us. Nehru Ji once used the phrase ‘unity in diversity’ for India, but, when we do not know ‘unity’ we cannot know this ‘diversity’ either.
3rd Sep, 2011.

Every morning the leaves at vision from my window
Speaks the story of last night,
That the drops from the sea divine
Have brought back the shines to eyes,
These cleared leaves on earth
Speaks the God’s words
That ‘I showered the world
My compassion and love
Even when it’s sleeping in shadows
At night and has blinded minds,
I bless them a world at times
To sweep away
The doubts they live every night,
To calm this fire of doubts and desires
With divine drops to please the thirst
And wake you with a vision of Hope aspired.’
6th Sep. 2011

Life without ‘self’ is like fragrance without its source, the source could be the beauty of rose but it’s never separated from the pain by thorns. Whereas, fragrance, independent of source, is infinite, spreads peace and never decays.
14th Sep. 2011

Reacting to happy and sad moments by thinking them as the crux of life is the biggest lie our perception lives. Stop the neuron current flowing from brain to body for a moment. Then even the concepts of being happy and sad will get destroyed. Nothing could be experienced then but can only be observed.
20th Sep. 2011

When we conceptualise ‘education’, it should be much more than just syllabus. There are a lot of parents asking me to teach their children, especially girls. They themselves do not understand but I can see in their eyes what they want me to teach. Unfortunately, I felt that instead of children parents need counselling classes so that they could explore their hidden desire to know what they are seeking for their kids. Something that they have lost in the race of being ahead of others, in the tornados of artificial desires for money and a loss that they now want to compensate by letting their children understand what they have lost.
27 Sep. 2011.

I question where I belong,
To be the part of a common song,
To close my eyes from a limited vision
And dissolve in the universal light of All creation.
30th Sep. 2011

POWER when acquired to fulfil the demands and needs of one’s own glorification and prosperity, is not just short-lived but also self-destructive. The sustainable and grand purpose of POWER is in ‘devotion’ to others and inclusion of all. This explains the inevitable destruction of so-called powerful Nations in current scenario. Power consumes the self if used as a tool to control. It should never be used to spread fear but should be used to assemble and assimilate for long lasting peace and sustainable development. Now India can be the epitome of peace only if she could aspires for the peaceful use of Power and not just imitating the self-destructive system.
2nd Oct. 2011.

Time-less Journey

Time speaks a story of you, to find
The roads to travel, life to define,
We learn the world to grow,
Within us then a drop of light glow,
That brings back the one-ness that flow
In the Whole-ness of universe endow.

This one-ness when flow
Speaks to me, the story it always wanted
I to see, that no one is born ‘to be’
But born as ‘to be’ to finally reach at ‘not to be’.
The Great Man’s doubt is the middle of story
Finishing it would lead us to the heights above his glory,
Without even a sense of knowing the end,
Our destination defines that
Which even destiny could not defend.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Twinkled eyes saw a star,
Not much farther than my heart,
Soul sang a sweet song
On which rhythmic life is toned,
Beauty praised its lover’s love
By embracing herself for his’ pleasure,
I loved and loved her by letting
Myself melt in her,
And mated life and end
To teach beyond No-self..!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Sun-Shine

Ohh my half searched part
Shining shyly the gold apart
From me and again made me fall
For the love that seems millions of generation far.

My emptied glare at first rose to see
The eternal kingdom behind the clouded-sea,
The magic of moment then captured something in me,
And I swam like a freed bird’s unwind wings.

My soul then washed in happiest tears
Of Godly grace silently cleared
All my miseries’ blessings beard
Life, ohh how long have I been feared.

At your kingdom I bowed
With raised eyes but surrendered soul,
Years passed, millenniums gone
But you were residing at a distance just a vision long.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


My dreams when glow

The world shines.

And the world when blow

My soul cries.

What purpose for me

This life can give?

When it holds no worth,

In the eyes of being..!

Have I ever been selfish?

Yes, because I live,

Let me die

And the real life begins.

The sun’s glory glow

In our minds,

Then why hidden

And farcified?

I want to see the sunlight

Spread its magic tenacious.

And every heart

Reflect its flow luminous.

But backed by incomplete-ness

Can humanity ever grow?

I wish for every soul to refresh

And thus let my poems always flow.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


When I put my eyes on you
The whole world shrinks in a blink.
When I gave my heart to you
A new world is born in every beat.
Pulse weakened, neurons shunned,
And our souls begin to search the One.
With closed eyes in meditative mode,
Amalgamated and searched every soul,
But no one knows the way to home.
I opened my eyes and saw you again,
The reflection of self once again,
Opening up to closed exits,
The Home is where the search begins..

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Looking at the sky,
With a desperate smile
Thinking of God and asking ‘why?’
What is it that blooms in me
When I look up what search begins?
What attracts me that react with my soul?
And makes my body feel the gloomy gold,
Then closing my eye, feeling the seen,
The infinite is yours’, darkness’ depth
And the radiant shines benign,
But the brightest stars are mine..!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The M(W)e

I closed my eyes and saw me,
Mirror, it wasn’t but reflected that dream
In which I felt all other me(s),
Like I am the heaven at once
And, at some, the hell extreme.
I am the dreadful killer of Humanity
And the pious Saint to bloom in you as ‘we’.
The grey in me is the light to believe,
Black and white only separates me.
Like the drops collectively creates the sea
Every human being completes me.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Ohh these winds giving me wings,
To take a flight for eternal heights,
In the heart, that Nature gives,
Resides the real Man, the God’s gift..!
These winds awake that sleeping I,
Where eternal music plays entwine.
These winds swallowed the surfaced shell
And unwrapped un-noticed un-known self,
The magic magic magic flows
In my veins as the wind blows,
Yes yes take me there..!
Take me there to reveal in me,
That, ohh wind, you exist
And I am, not more than, a blink..!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I that is not ME

The sun in my eyes,
The sea in my heart,
The wind in my mind,
Is blowing hard,
The sky that is blue
When my lashes raise,
The night that falls
When I pray,
The fire is burnt
On my souls’ crave
And glacier melts
When my blood sways,
Light is bright
On my smile’s plight
Dark takes shape
In my closed eyes,
Life is born when I die
Death to life
Is what makes me alive..!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


May 7, 2010

My heart following the beats to live, my dream!!... My mind following the thought to achieve, the un-seen..!!
May 25, 2010

Be careful while sharing.. It might left you with Nothing..!!
June 7, 2010

Every drop of tear is wasted if it falls while thinking "No.. it's impossible..!" instead of "Damn!! why couldn't I do this?"..
June 9, 2010

GOD is like Air... AIR was always around us but until it's discovered it never existed. Imagine yourself before d discovery of 'air', u don't know it but it's always around you, you don't notice but you breathe it, it always touches u but still you are unconscious of its existence. It’s your life but still dead for you..! So the difference is not in believers or non-believers, but in... awareness and ignorance. BUT even ignorance is innocent..
June 10, 2010

We need to collect our-"selves" as a Nation first then to think of becoming a World Power.. A World Power does not deal with issues [like poverty, discrimination (caste, religion, gender, class and so on), civil wars (Naxalism, etc.)] of its own but of other countries..!! :)
June 13, 2010

I am left with nowhere to go but to come back to my-self.. and then I will start again..!!
June 24, 2010

Every time I blink my eyes, a universe is born and another destroyed..!!
July 13, 2010

Instead of reading holy texts Read your-self first which itself is a holy text.
August 1, 2010

‘Love’ is fundamental principle of ‘dependence’, desired by everyone. SO, Love no one but GOD and depend on nobody but on your own self—to satisfy all of your desires.
August 5, 2010

We have proved ourselves master of 'intelligence' on earth by developing new technologies and ways of life. But are we intelligent enough to understand where to use them and where not to?? Example: Nuclear power.
August 9, 2010

When I try to live the dreams to fulfil them, reality deter as a nightmare..!!
August 12, 2010

The most precious thing in life is to be someone's 'precious thing'.... Knowingly or Unknowingly that is what we all try to achieve until we die. Being precious to someone is easy with life; a soul becomes 'priceless' if it is precious to someone even when died..!!
August 31, 2010

When we say 'point of views' we should notice the 'points' in views rather than discussing and selecting 'a view' from all points.
September 2, 2010

Living is that which you experience before birth and after death, rest is a CHANCE provided to us to decide how we live..!!
September 6, 2010

Ohh..! The parts of my-‘self’ floating on the river of humanity, cut down by blood-thirsty, selfish knife of ‘community protection’ myth, into numerous diseased pieces of religion, region, caste and gender… My ever-searching, peace-loving soul long for that eternal desire, indeed… To swim and dive in the ocean of united ‘we’ as God’s Human Being.!
September 19, 2010

A plea to all the citizen of India: "Please choose your own representatives in elections and not of political party's..!!".
September 21, 2010

What is so ‘bright’ in Darkness that makes it eternal?
Its Independence..!! What is the ‘darkest’ fact about Light? That it is dependent..!!
September 27, 2010

The Ayodhya verdict has again successfully surfaced the hot magma f communalism with the cold thin crust f constitution, law n secularism. Now, who? When? Where? Will create the hole for an artificial volcano, I am worried about..!!
October 10, 2010

Life takes everything from you but at the end gives you that which is only yours.
October 22, 2010

Holy Quran gave that vision to see, Holy Bible explained that vision to me, Bhagvad-Gita made me feel that power Supreme, What else I need?, Only a chance to awaken my-being..
October 29, 2010

I am conscious of your infinite omnipresence. You need not to finite yourself for me. But my love and devotion for you is so magnetic that its attraction inevitably leads you from immortality of heavens to mortality of beings..
November 3, 2010

A poet is a poet only for that particular moment of "creation" and for the rest of the time a poet is also a reader..!!
November 12, 2010

I want to do what all helplessly unconsciously desires, to live the days what dreams at night aspires..!!
November 25, 2010

Writing for me is just another 'dimension of reality’. Struggling to giggle in the mind of Humanity from the signs of Divinity..!!
December 3, 2010

What to do, what not to do? We always know 'what to do' but external circumstances want us to do what they want, and then comes 'what not to do'..!!
December 7, 2010

Am I there to see what should not be there to see? Am I there to listen what should not be there to listen? Am I there to talk what should not be the topic to talk?.. Am I just to remain an 'aam aadmi' forever then?
December 9, 2010

Change is so much a part of our lives that it becomes very hard for me to understand whether "I" am changing or my "surroundings"..!!
December 16, 2010

Painted walls surround my heart, Hollowed head with empty streets. Walls of false dreams painted in different streams, curfew in neuron streets of brain indeed. And then suddenly I found myself beyond the limits of heart and dreams, head and its hollowed streets..!!
December 18, 2010

At this time of transition: from corruption to selfless service, from capitalism to social welfare, from scientific to transcendental, from 'I' to 'us', from '-ism' to truth, from learning to understanding, from knowledge to thought, from work to interest, from village to town, from town to city, from city to Nation, Nation to the world and Earth to Cosmos... From self to all, from Human to God. I am trying to re-connect myself to the All.
December 28, 2010

Away in the darkest corners of Human mind, resides the answer to all miseries and evils of Life.
December 29, 2010

Real freedom is the one you enjoy in living the responsibilities you set for yourself..!!
January 8, 2011

When an ant suddenly realise the grandness of the globe it resides in, it’s quite bearable. But what if she knows that every atom of her material existence is a product that nourish the same globe and that every part of hers’ is meant to be used for the grandness of the globe. And she doesn’t exist by herself but only because of the purpose assigned to her to make the balance on globe. What would happen to her??
January 16, 2011

The World has to be 'profit-motive thought-free' to make it 'corruption-free'..!!
January 18, 2011

In the abysmal liberated service for God I found myself a cosmos of love.. Obliterated and re-made in seconds oh Lord and millions of universes have emancipated and gone..!
January 20, 2011

Let my Nation grow and develop on My dreams.. Let it be blessed through my Faith.. Let it flourish on My Sacrifices.. Let it live on my Ashes.. And Let it Glow Eternally through the brightness of My Soul..!!
January 26, 2011

Life seems so short that while I am breathing I can feel the generations passing and mine is no more than a second..!!
February 4, 2011

Everyone has their own Laws to follow.. Follow it and you may never fall..!!
February 6, 2011

What can be the smallest thing one can think of?? An Atom like a big bang? or a Big Bang like an atom?
February 14, 2011

Life is standing out of my door asking me to open, I know that it's just a guest will come and go quite often..!!
February 19, 2011

Every distraction has dissolved in proposed direction
And time tells the tale of triangled self..
Like Shakespeare plays with the plot of his plays,
I author my authority at Almighty’s grace..!!
February 20, 2011

Our country is the birth place of many Religions but still the central teaching of all those religions, i.e., 'know thyself' is fading away. Is it because we are leaning more towards imported cultures or is it because we are still not capable of understanding 'why' our country is the birth place of so many religions?
March 6, 2011

First we create a society with unbearable physical and psychological problems, then we debate on topics like Euthanasia and then we legalise mercy killing.. Are we trying to give justice to the person begging for death or washing our own hands from taking the responsibility of their suffering?
March 10, 2011

When I endure the hearts of mankind,
And safely preserved in their affectionate eyes,
I bloom and multiply my benevolent grace
And, Destroy and desolate myself from ephemeral to infinite.
March 15, 2011

Feeling the deepest oceans in you
And knowing the endless ends in queue,
Where ever I end the beginning begins
And I found no one but amalgamated ‘You and Me’..!!
March 25, 2011

Today was the day of you and I,
Like, we have one heart and same mind.
Come and feel me, my-self and my no-self,
Look into my eyes and see selflessly your own self.
April 9, 2011

My eyes in search of eternal Love
Held the heavy lashes up,
A drop of rain fell inside
As the cloudy weather cry,
A sudden blink, eye lashes joined,
And I felt the Devine bright shine.
The drop turned tear and slipped away,
And I found my strength with me again.
April 16, 2011

A man asked his heart after achieving the best corresponds to his qualities, “is this you always wanted to be? Is this what you wanted to achieve in life?”
The heart replied politely, “No, I am presently the imagined self of other’s perception. I am not myself.”
“Then tell me please, I beg you, when will you be yourself? “The man trembling asked.
“The answer is intact in you my dear. I will be me when I will be you.”
April 21, 2011

Every time when a country-man is drowned
In the blindness of ignorance
To the blood bed by one’s owns’.
A part of me takes form to be born,
To build my Country’s body and soul,
To become all and all One,
And to make my Nation the Spirit of the World..
May 3, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Am Everywhere..!!

Let me fly like a fish
And swim like a bird
To follow the unheard
And listen the unseen
To swallow in the
Sorrows of freedom,
And pleasures in being My-being.

To emerge as a complete being
And knowing the fact of my being No-Thing!!

Free I feel even from the
Prisons of the Free-will.
Free from the visions of eyes
From the sounds of speech
From the smell of air
From the beauties of Nature
From the ugliness of others
To the ugliness of myself,
Free even from the shackles of soul as isolated.

Away and above where energies take form,
Souls are born
And then de-form.
To the brightest of sides
Of knowing one selves,
Is what I am, breeding “everywhere”..!!