Monday, January 2, 2012

A prayer to My No-Self.

Let me swim in the Ocean,
Where dry eyes’ tears have flown,
Emotions startled the liquid
And whirlpools have taken form.

Tempest mind shed the blood,
Tornadoes, from which, taking birth,
Tearing apart the Ocean’s Heart,
By stabbing and stabbing the soul part.

How to speak the words of grief
That my world belongs to no degree,
Even the brightest of them sometimes miss-read
Your daughter-your son, has no flesh, no being.

Oh My Lord..!! This Ocean is yours,
I know, you know, what else to fear?
Let us be un-wrapped, let us flourish,
And spread our arms for them to show Our Eternal Glory.

Aware I am, of no existence, just you’re thought like all other persistence,
Have mercy for once and conglomerate, to show to all the Supreme fate,
For once I asunder from you and pray, let the world know its artificial chase,
Surrender me to gratify the thrust, to save your thought’s (world’s) truthful state…

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Dolly Jamwal- Poetry and all other Articles and Essays. by Dolly Jamwal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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