Thursday, February 4, 2010

Some more Quotes

Where my space lies in that darkness of closed eyes? I want open those to know the light but scared of being caught in confusions and more confusions undefined... who knows but maybe the darkness is light..!!

Life tell you how to die, death tell you how to live..

The meaning of 'loneliness' is not when you are alone in your room and away from people, it's at that moment when you are center of attention but still detached.

The World is getting smaller as I am getting older..!!

Books, the moment they are written they become past. We need them to write future at its best...

Instead of reading holy texts Read your-self first which itself is a holy text.

One religion gives paradise, two leads to doubt and fight, three- a sense of who's better and wise... if 'many'- they just simply destroy.

And here begins the war between God and Human Mind, As Apophis is approaching earth By displacing the matter, space and time. Is it to punish or another effort To make this world one again and to unify??

Who say "life is to enjoy?".. It is to watch > experience > learn > analyse > rectify > conclude > make it happen and then >>>>>>> Enjoy..

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